Monday, March 21, 2011

Developing Intelligence

The subject of intelligence is truly a fascinating one, but is something that tends to be misunderstood by most people.

For example, at school we are taught that a person’s intelligence is defined by their test scores. If you get a grade A, you are viewed as being highly intelligent, if you get a grade F, you are seen as being less intelligent.

Whilst test scores certainly can help to give an indication as to the level of intelligence a person possesses, it is important to understand that such scores only indicate one type of intelligence.

A famous psychologist called Howard Gardner proposed that there are in fact many different types of intelligence. These can range from traditional types, such as mathematical intelligence, to less traditional types, such as musical or athletic intelligence.

One intelligence is not necessarily better than another, as providing you do something which you are naturally intelligent at, you have just as much chance at being successful in life as people with other forms of intelligence.



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